POS Tale n.º 2 - A Fleet coming this way?
Tencus corp guys that live on CL-85V have some new
toys, like a couple Nyx. In order to use them other than to collect dust, they
started waging a POS/POCO war against the Curse local fellas. We don’t really
care about a POS that ain’t even ours, but the owner talked to us and we
thought it would be a good chance for a fight vs Tencus.
We brought up a fleet of Heavy Missile Drakes
with 3 Basys, and they had about 10 Tier 3 BCs, without logi. The engagement
was real fast… Get cloaky to provide warp-in, tackle what you can. Only managed
to get 1 Oracle before all others warped out. Not much for an engagement...
Then we had intel about 5 NCdot Talos and 2
Basis plus “a couple tacklers”. Hell, we were ready for that so we went to meet
them on the gate.
When they start to jump in, we quicly realized intel had not been all that accurate. 1st thing we noticed is they had at least 7
Talos and 3 Basilisks. Anyway we had to fight because they had bubbled up and we were already agressed.
Both sides primaried the Basilisks, and both
held for a while, until the NCdot ECM drones jammed one of our Basis.
From this point all hell broke loose, and long story short, we suffered some
casualties without even killing one of them. Started up as being an-anti POS
Bash, but ended up being a whelp due to some unacurate intel. No matter what
fleet or ship you have, intel is, by a long shot, the best weapon you can have!
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