domingo, 25 de novembro de 2012

Outnumbred and Overloaded!

Fighting outnumbred usually ain't easy and diferent players figure out diferent solutions. 100mn Tengus, Link Alts, Cynabals, Snipers, and in some more rare cases, massive active tank.

Usually the main tactic is to make range on the enemy fleet and kill the tackers as they come at you. Personally, I think it's a waste to use 100mn Tengus and Cynabals to kill tacklers, when a Coercer pretty much does the job most of times.

EVE also provides the best emotions when you're fighting outnumbred and outgunned, no doubt about that! To face a massive fleet, snatch a couple kills and bail out, showing how the mighty fleet was unable to kill ya is trully awsome!

That is what I tried when a 40 man Eve University fleet came near home system. I took my Coercer out and went for it.

Tactic is pretty simple... Warped at Hemin Gate at 100km, and waited a tacker to come at me. An Ares quickly starts coming at me, splitting himself from the main fleet, just like I wanted!

Good! Let him come...

But here comes into play a massive defect PVPers usually have. PVP pilots always want a bit more from the mods... be that guns, propulsion, tank, whatever... you-want-MORE! And CCP is a nice chap by giving you the "Overload" option.

Of course, as soon as the tacker come into range, I activated my guns overloaded, to quicly kill the pesky ares, but instead of instapoping, he managed to get into a 20km+ orbit, avoiding most of my damage.

I kept overloading.

Some more tackers start to burn at me, in order to provide the ares some backup.

And I still kept overloading... Needless to say, my guns went "puff" even without killing the ares.

At this point EVE also provides you great emotions, most of them centred on how dumb you can be. I trully think no-one can become a decent PVPer on EVE, until you burn your mods on a critical moment!

At this stage, all I can do is die.... or gtfo and lick my wounds. As I try to warp off, I notice the hero Ares still has a point on me. Now... there are some tactics you can use to shake long range fast tackers off their point range, but none of those really work when you're being chased my even more tackers closing in fast.

I resort once more to CCP's gift, and I overload my MWD, while aligning out, quicly spamming "warp out!". Fortunatly I managed to break tackle range and survived, but I dumbly lost the chance to kill 3 or 4 tackers from mostly unexperienced players.

Here is the video:

As a curiousity, NCdot had also a gang 1 jump out. Something like 8 vagas, couple scymitars and few tackers. Both fleets choose not to engage each other, even though they sat still for 5 minutes on oposite gates, assessing the situation. Eventually, each gang went his own way with no confrontation....

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