quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2012

50 Jumps - Nothing to see here, move along!

We had a couple hours free and guys decided to make a T1 Cruiser roam. We had not gonne to Immensia for some time, so we planned a 50 jumps route.

As for the ships itself, we came up with 2 Vexors, Thorax, Blacbird and Slasher for tackle.

Masters of the Universe!
 Wanna know what we found?

Nothing, Nicles, Zip, Nada, Rien. And I don't mean anything we could kill, or engage. Just simply another soul! Whole lot of Jump-Warp and D-Scan clear.

So here goes a message to all those big sov holding alliances:


We all love Pets around! Everyone wins!

 As for the rest of the roam, we saw a little "blip" on the map, on the MB-NKE pocket, so we went for it. Thorn Alliance seems to be the new owner. Our scout goes in 1st as we hold on gate, and almost instantly manages a tackle on a Oracle about 70km off the station. We manage to finish him quickly, even before his assisted fighters do any damage. 

A few minutes after, D-Scan shows a Caracal on a planet. People should know that T1 Cruisers have no place on EVE (or have they?) and another quick warp-in gets another kill. An active Rokh was warping around, but never managed to get a hold on him.

Kills: 1 Oracle, 1 Caracal
Losses: None;
Frustration: 50+ jumps to get a kill 5 jumps or so out of home

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