sexta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2017

Engagement Report 18 – Dual Hull Brutix

I log in in Curse and notice a mail from my Corp mates informing about a WH to Stain in Corp Bookmarks. I usually hate Stain… It’s a giant pipe and lacks the typical carebear pockets I like to harass. On EVE Map, it usually barely shows more than 3 guys active in each system, so makes hard to know where to go, as I like to head off to systems with 10 or more guys active. Of course, this information provided by the EVE Map is very generic but makes a great starting point for any roam.

Anyway, not wanting to roam around Curse, nor wanting to Jump Clone into Thera, I decided to give Stain a shot. I hold my DPS Brutix inside the WH cloaked and with my Tank Brutix I jump into an NPC station system, with around 10 in local. Pretty much everyone belongs to the same Alliance. Analysing a bit more the geography I noticed that my WH was close to 2 gates and about 70 AU from the station cluster. Ok… This means that I’ll need to drag any potential target to these gates around the WH, in order to have my backup Brutix coming in and provide fast help. 

Very well, time to warp around… In one of the stations a Wolf is undocked and targets me. A Drake from same Alliance undocks and also targets me. Wolf starts to burn at me! I don’t want to dock because there’s a good chance I’d be stuck with some station games until they got bored and just went AFK. Considering they are being so aggressive, this is the chance to bring them to the gates near the WH, so I warp there.

Wolf chases me and is already at my gate when I land. He targets me but does not aggress… Ok, I jump out and he follows. I burn back to the gate and target him. He emulates me but does not aggresses. These kind of games, with a tackler keeping me in a close leash, but not aggressing, usually means he’s waiting for backup. I jump back into their station system.

Oh boy! I was expecting the Drake for sure, but they turned out to have also a Dragoon, Confessor, Myrmidon, Maller and Jackdaw. This is too much to engage head on, so I overload my MWD and burn back to gate. I got Scrammed by EVERYONE, except for the Drake! Damn… These many Scrams will render my MDJ useless, even if I kill some of them, but a fight is here so I bring in my Backup Brutix.

While my Backup Brutix was in warp, I actually managed to have my Tank Brutix reach the gate at 0km, so I opted by jumping out instead of fighting. When my Backup Brutix lands a tense situation develops…
1 – In Station System, my DPS Brutix and the hostile main fleet are all at 0km on the gate, everyone targeting but no one shooting!

2 – On other side of gate, my Tank Brutix and the hostile Wolf are at 0km on the gate, everyone targeting but no one shooting!

This is pretty much a Mexican Standoff in Space! Mexican Standoffs are stupidly intense moments where nothing is happening! How awesome is that!?  Who will draw 1st? Will they go for a headshot? Are you ready to be fired upon while seeing the sweat dripping out from your nemesis forehead?

On a more serious note, I needed to split those guys and the arrival on my 2nd Brutix put them on “cautious” mode… I did not saw any way I could really take an advantage with the current Mexican Standoff in Space, so I warped off with both my Brutix, each in a different system.

This was a close one, but the longer I wait, they more backup they’re likely to bring. I need to man up fast or move along. I don’t really want to roam Stain all that much, and I got some targets here, so Its time to give another try. Too bad I lost my backup Brutix surprise advantage, but oh well…

The hostile fleet is still hugging the gate, so I jump my Tank Brutix into them and overload my MWD back to the gate. Only the Myrmidon and Wolf aggress… good. I jump out and burn back to gate once more. They follow and on the other side I’m aggressed by the Drake and Maller. EXCELENT! I had managed to split the 2 Battlecruisers (the main source of DPS and Tank on the hostile fleet) on each side of the gate. I jump out once, this time into the Myrmidon, Wolf, Dragoon, Jackdaw and Confessor, leaving the Maller and Drake separated in the previous system for 1 minute. 

I bring my DPS Brutix, take Improved Drop Drugs, and primary the Dragoon as it’s the easiest ship to kill and I don’t like being neuted. It melts. 

For my secondary target I went for the Myrmidon… It might seem a weird choice but I wanted to eliminate that source of high-DPS from the field while I had both my Brutix alive. 1100 DPS with a couple Medium Energy Neutralizers can kill an active tank ship pretty fast. Myrmidon was both buffer and active tank fitted, but went down at a nice rate.

For my tertiary target I went for the Wolf. Right now it was the softer target around.

At this point the Drake and Maller come back into the fight. Pleniers in the Tank Brutix was  scrammed by the Confessor, Jackdaw and Maller with structure reaching 50%. I decided to deaggress with him and see if I could jump out. I would keep shooting with Rtb in the DPS Brutix.

For my 4th target I went for the Jackdaw.

The DPS coming from their fleet was too much and Pleniers dies with 20 seconds aggression left.

For my 5th target I went for the Confessor.

Now, only the Drake and Maller survive, but my remaining Brutix is going down at a fast pace. Only the Maller is scrambling me, but shooting it is a futile exercise! I scram and Web the Maller, but my main objective is to achieve some range control, in order to slowboat away from him!

5km away, 35% structure… 6km away, 30% structure… 7km away 25% structure... 8km away, 20% structure… 9km AWAY, SCRAM DOWN! Still long pointed by Drake! ACTIVATE MJD AND MWD! GOGOGOGOGO!... 15% structure…

MJD activates and I’m able to warp off Rtb with around 15% structure. While I was warping off I remembered… Why did I not put my ECM drones onto the Maller?! I had forgotten completely about them, but I’m glad I managed to bail out without them. If I had died, I would be slapping me in the face for forgetting about them.

I did lost one Brutix and almost lost both of them… Is there anything I could have done differently to avoid my loss or kill more of them? I don’t really think so… I could have pressed on with Pleniers instead of deaggressing with him and probably killed the Jackdaw and Confessor faster, but I still have many reservations about killing the Maller fast enough, even with both Brutix shooting him for the limited period of time Pleniers was still alive.

Overall I was glad with the result and happy on finding some action in the system where the WH spawned because I don’t really like roaming Stain…

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