I could not
truly do a market blog without talking about trading PLEX. Long story short, I
don’t do it. From what I read, in order to be successful at trading PLEX you’d
need, in addition to maxed out tax reducing skills (something that any trader
can easily get with some passive training) you also beed standings with NPC trade station. In
this particular cenario NPC standings are quite important, because your profit
margin is around 2% instead of the 20% I aim in regional trade.
factors I dislike about PLEX trade:
- Low margins;
- High
investment (single PLEX goes for 1 bil)
- Lot’s and
lot’s of competition
Permanently subjected to high speculation (or at least subjected to high
expectations from the whole player base)
Pretty much
everything I hate about market… Nevertheless an experiment was in order so I
made a tiny (even ridiculous) test. I bought 1 PLEX in buy orders, and then
proceeded to put it in Sell Orders with a 20 mil profit or so (already accounting
for taxes and stuff) and forgot about it. It basically took 1 month to sell… So
yeah, not my thing. If you’re a PLEX trader you’re pretty much laughing at my
“test”, but I was never really serious about it.
On the
other hand I do keep a stash of around 30 PLEX, and I try to increase it at
around 1 PLEX per month. Reason is simple and not entirely “financially”
related. I stockpile PLEX in order to have a good stash of subscriptions in my
pocket! I stated before I did not knew how I’d conciliate EVE with my baby, so
by having a good stash of both PLEX and ships, I could play EVE for something
like 1 year (2 accounts), without even worrying about making ISK. In fact, I
can retire my whole market Isk making endeavor today and still be able to play
for 1 more year.
Is this “playing
for 1 year without making Isk” a realistic vision? Maybe, maybe not, but the
thing I’m pretty much sure is that I won’t be selling my PLEX anytime soon, but
consuming it if it comes to that.