Here goes
the October 2015 Report
This month
I almost managed to break my record, achieving 10.5 billion profit. I actually
did not updated any market orders during October’s last week because I went out
in vacations with my family and decided to also take a break from EVE, so did
not even install it in my travel laptop. If I had updated my orders during that
week I’d probably made another billion Isk or so profit.
I spent 2
PLEX to pay my accounts, 1.2 billion each… Nothing out of the ordinary here.
This month
came to a very nice surprise! I managed to make 2 billions Isk profit. Most my
profit came from selling researched BPOs and only 4.5% from selling BPCs.
Sorting out contracts is boring, but the whole process is really easy and
smooth, so it’s really easy isk. This month I decided to settle with a list of
around 275 BPOs to research. It should take a whole lot of time to research
them all, so I don’t need to bother with resupplying BPOs any time soon.
I really
changed my strategy here. I only used public contracts, paying out the same as
Red Frog charges, but setting collateral to 2 billion and hauling around 1.8
billion. I reduced my expenses from 1.1 billion to 700 million while pretty
much moving around the same amount of stuff. More on this topic in upcoming
month, but so far is really helping me reduce costs.
I pretty
much sold every BPO/BPC I had bought in firesale from my ex-corpmate, making a
total of 600 millions profit over 4 month time. I’m pretty much gonna consider
this investment over.
I also
bought 180 millions of T2 BPCs from another Ex corp mate that did not wanted them,
and I’m selling those out at more than 50% profit. Unfortunately, BPCs don’t
really sell all that well, don’t know why. Probably it’s because the BPC is
consumed along the manufacture process, so it’s more viewed as a needed expense
by industrialists, while a T1 researched BPO might be faced more as an
investment… I don’t know really. This experiment is also good to check out the
BPC contract system, and I’m really not impressed, so probably won’t even
consider it in the near future.
As for
buying and reselling capital BPOs I managed to make 600 million profit. One
thing I noticed is that, in case you don’t sell your BPO fast, successive
contracts will probably eat your profit. Contract taxes for a 2.5 billion BPO
are expensive when you’re looking for a 200/300 mil profit or so. Also, right
now with the capital rebalance, the researched Capital BPO market is really
really saturated, so competition is getting high and prices dropping like a
rock… Might have to put this endeavor on hold while this whole “Capital
rebalance” madness calms down.
I’ve also
searched to invest in reselling Battleships and Battlecruiser BPOs. From what I
see, Battlecruisers BPOs going for around 800mil researched, don’t really offer
a chance for the large quick profit I expect. Researched Battleships BPOs going
for around 2-2.5 billion actually might, but I’m unsure on how well they sell,
so I decided to try it out and see how goes. I’ll let you know next month.